Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who Are You Anyway

As we each learn how to be citizen journalists maybe we should think about who we are and what our journalistic personality or motivation might me.

Here are some descriptive words for you to consider. Do you want to be an:
Aggregator- Someone who collects information from other people or an Analyst who interprets what others say and do?

Perhaps you are an Activist- someone who believes in and promotes a cause or an Aggitator- someone who creates and fuels controversy for some political or personal agenda.

Maybe Adviser-someone who recommends a course of action or perhaps an Observer- I ran out of words that start with "A."

Understand who you are and your motivation then remember to be yourself. You are your greatest asset.

All of these are roles that are assumed by citizen journalists either consciously or unconsciously. I would suggest that we each need to know who we are and what our motivation is.

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